Media Information

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Media Contacts

Motor Carriers consumer and business directory is the most comprehensive and up to date online compendium of US DOT FMCSA listed motor carriers, drivers, owner operators and trucking companies serving within the United States of America. Our listings are updated monthly and are the freshest data in the industry.

Any motor carrier doing business in the USA, whether based in the United States, Canada, Mexico or elsewhere, are required to register with the US Department of Transportation. FMCSA provides detailed reporting on each companies safety records. We've obtained access to their trucking company registration data and made it easy to search these records.

The Motor Carriers directory allows consumers and businesses to find and get information on motor carrier companies in your state and learn the size of their fleet, cargo types, contact information and more.

For general press inquiries, please contact the office via phone or email or use our Feedback and Inquiries form. Please note that the contacts listed here are available only to members of the press.

Motor Carriers Press Room

Contact Information

Phone: (386) 282-9955


Online Press Contact Form